Saturday, February 05, 2011

Today is not just another day. Today is a dreary day of rain, rain and more rain within the Charleston, SC community. We've had a bitter winter here - once with a dusting of snow. I wanted a full snow storm, a storm so great I could rush outside and make a snow angel with my pups. And so, today is not just another day. A day of rain - within my heart and soul - rain for the world, rain for the city, and rain for all the pain within my heart.

My friends on Facebook wanted to know what is the matter. Nothing, I say. Just life. I hurt for those in Cairo, I hurt for America. I hurt for all that is wrong with the world, and I hurt for my close friends.

Yes, it is a dreary day. A good day to curl up with a good book. I have several to read, so I will curl up later and relax.

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